There are 3 differences when a ventilator screen is connected
- Scenario Overview for patient demographics
- Ventilator Tab
- Patient Lung Condition and Incident states can be selected in ETCO2 Waveforms
Scenario Overview
When creating a ventilator scenario, to allow for accurate integration, REALITi needs to know certain patient demographics so that appropriate responses to lung volumes, lung compliance and resistance and ventilator frequency can be calculated.
In the Scenario Overview Tab there are Settings for the following:
- Patient Sex
- Age Category
- Patient Age
- Patient Height
- Patient Weight
Age Category and Patient Age
Neonate - 22 weeks premature to 3 weeks post partum
Paediatric - 1 month post partum to 16 years old
Adult - 17 years old to 100 years old
Patient Height
For Neonate and Paediatric Ages, the patient height is auto-calculated, although this can be changed by tapping on the - and + buttons.
For Adult ages, the patient height needs to be selected.
Patient Weight
For each Patient Sex, Age and Height, an Ideal Body Weight is auto-calculated.
Although this can be changed, we recommend using Ideal Body Weight.
Ventilator Tab
Select the Ventilator Tab to access Ventilator controls
All of the major settings on a ventilator screen can now be controlled remotely from the Control iPad when the Ventilator screen is connected
Patient Lung Condition and Incident States
When the Ventilator screen is connected, an additional monitor can be connected to display the usual vital signs of ECG, Heart Rate, SpO2, Blood Pressure, ETCO2, Respiratory Rate, etc.
REALITi has the ability to allow the user to select Patient Lung Conditions.
Depending on the Patient Lung Condition, when a ventilator setting such as Tidal Volume, FiO2, Frequency, PEEP, etc are changed, the vital signs of SpO2, ETCO2 value, ETCO2 waveform and ETCO2 rate will change automatically according to the Patient Lung Condition selected.
To access Patient Lung Conditions, tap on the centre of the ETCO2 dial.
A new Waveform picker with Patient Lung Condition is now seen
This is a scrollable list with the Patient Lung Conditions of:
- Normal
- Asthma
- Fibrosis
Each of the diseases has a Mild, Moderate and Severe state giving a total of 16 predefined Patient Lung Conditions
To select a Patient Lung Condition, tap on it and it will change colour to blue.
Then press Send to confirm selection.
Incidents can be found in the Incidents tab
Each Incident can be added to any underlying Lung Condition.
The Incidents are:
- Bronchial Intubation
- Mild Bronchospasm
- Severe Bronchospasm
- Critical Bronchospasm
- Pneumothorax
- Tension Pneumothorax
- Pulmonary Embolism - Small
- Pulmonary Embolism - Large
To select an incident, tap on the Incident Tab and tap on an incident.
Then press Send to activate
To end an Incident, tap on the Incident Tab and tap on None. Then press Send
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