REALITi 11.1.8
Critical Changes
- Minimum supported iOS is iOS 13
- iPads no longer supported: iPad Air (1st Gen) Nov 2013; iPad Mini 2 (2013); iPad Mini 4 (2014)
- iPads no longer supported: iPad Air (1st Gen) Nov 2013; iPad Mini 2 (2013); iPad Mini 4 (2014)
- iPad naming ability within REALITi
- On opening REALITi, have to give the iPad a name (such as Red Control or Green Monitor) to help distinguish multiple iPads on the same wifi network. Can be edited in Settings.
- ATLAS ETCO2 ventilation improvements
- Improved ATLAS reconnection attempts on disconnect
- Tempus 12 lead and NIBP user interface
- Zoll AED Improvements: Add 'Pause' button
- Zoll defibrillation improvements
- LP 20 clock improvement
- LP 15 SpO2 and NIBP improvements
- CPR Console - Rate and Depth improvements
- CPR Console - functions as an Additional Screen
- Sync shocks now indicated in TMS review
- Generic screen settings
- Corpuls 3T - When tapping on the third curve in AED mode, the menu prompt should not open
- Corpuls - Countdown timer pie chart fix
- Propaq MD check pads error when patient isn’t attached but the user charges the device and only way to cancel the charge is to press the up or down arrow keys.
- Zoll X AED - show ETCO2
- Zoll X AED - When in pediatric mode should start at 50J
- CPR metronome should automatically resume after defibrillation
- Blood Pressure update on Camera
- Fixed menu flashing once when opened on the older 12.9" iPad (iOS 15.4.1) by removing the fade in/out, only slides now.
- NIBP sound and metronome not working at the same time
- Mindray B3 - Mute sound from Control Panel
- Show TMS on 12.9” iPad
- Control - Unable to select scenarios to add to email
Atlas ETCO2 ventilation improvements
With REALITi 11.1.8 we are introducing a new way for the ETCO2 waveform to interact with Atlas.
Once Atlas is connected to REALITi, you will now have complete control over the ETCO2 trace to mimic a ventilated manikin or a spontaneous breathing manikin.
Ventilated Atlas
On the Control iPad, if the RR is set to zero (0), then if Atlas is ventilated with a bag-mask, any ventilation detected will register on the ETCO2 waveform, as long as the ETCO2 is set to a value >0
So set the RR to zero (0) and the ETCO2 to 35 mmHg (4.6 kPa) and when Atlas detects a ventilation, the ETCO2 trace will show an ETCO2 level of 35 (4.6)
Spontaneous Breathing Atlas
If you then set the RR to a value >0, the ETCO2 waveform will be drawn in the usual way.
So set the RR to 12 and the ETCO2 to 35(4.6) and a normal ETCO2 waveform will be drawn in the dual way.
Note: Once the RR is set to a value >0, no ventilations from Atlas will be registered as an ETCO2 waveform
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