REALITi uses Instabug to assist with bug reporting and sending suggestions for improvement.
This is the quickest and most detailed way bug reports can be sent directly to the development team.
Important: Just remember to connect the iPad to a Wi-Fi that is connected to the internet.
If you do an Instabug report during a training session when the iPad is not connected to the internet, don't worry. The next time REALITi is opened when the iPad is connected to the internet, the Instabug report will automatically send.
Activate Instabug
To activate Instabug, swipe in from the right with 2 fingers.
You then have 2 options:
- Report a bug
Use this to tell us about something which is broken or doesn't work as expected. - Suggest an improvement
Use this to let us know about new ideas or desired enhancements.
Creating a bug report
Every piece of information you send us can really help us speed up the bug fixing process.
Email - enter your email so we can follow up any issues directly with you
Description - the most important part of a bug report. Please add as much information as possible.
Screenshot - a screenshot is taken the moment you activate Instabug. Tap on the image to annotate.
Add attachments - add additional images and video.
Annotating a screenshot
Select the image and annotate freehand or magnify part of the screen.
Add Attachments
Here you can
- Take a screen recording
- Take a screenshot
- Select file from gallery
If you tap on 'Take a screen recording', the REALITi screen is shown and you can screen record and also add voiceover.
Next Step
The next step lets you add additional information, which is particularly useful if there are specific steps to reproduce the bug.
Tap on the paper-plane to send.
And Remember: connect the iPad to a Wi-Fi that is connected to the internet.
If you do an Instabug report during a training session when the iPad is not connected to the internet, don't worry, it is saved on the iPad.
Once you have finished your training session do these 2 things:
- Connect the iPad to the internet
- Close and Open REALITi
The instabug will now be sent.