Overview of ETCO2 and Respiratory Rate Control
ETCO2 and RR Numeric
Orange for current and selected ETCO2 or RR displayed on Monitor
Blue for the target ETCO2 or RR changed by the Dial.
Grey for the Unselected Parameter
Parameter Toggle
Switch between ETCO2 and RR control
Numeric Dial
Changes the ETCO2 or RR value
See Overview of Dials and Numerics
Waveform Picker
Tap on the centre of the dial to show the Waveform Picker
Choose an ETCO2 waveform and press Send to activate
Tap on this to Show or Hide
the ETCO2 or RR on the Monitor screen.
Advanced ETCO2 and RR Controls
Tap on the icon to open Advanced ETCO2 and RR Controls
This works in the same way as the standard controls but allows you to control ETCO2 and RR at the same time.
Preserve CO2 for CPR
This will remember the CO2 value set when CPR is in progress with non-perfusing ECG waveforms such as Ventricular Fibrillation.
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