The central dials on the Control iPad allow you to change the value of the Heart Rate, Blood Pressure, Oxygen Saturations, End Tidal CO2 and Respiratory Rate.
Simply place your finger on the dial and spin. Clockwise to increase the value and anti-clockwise to decrease the value.
To activate press Send.
The eye icon shows and hides the parameter on the monitor screen.
Tap on the central dial image to bring up a menu of waveforms.
Select one and then press Send to activate.
Tap on the slider toggle to enter the slider mode
Just like the Dials, you can change the value of the Heart Rate, Blood Pressure, Oxygen Saturations, End Tidal CO2 and Respiratory Rate.
Drag the orange circle along the slider or tap on the grey vertical line to change the value. To activate, press Send.
These can be customised to show various numeric parameters on the monitor.
The value change be changed by the plus and minus symbols.
They are shown and hidden by tapping on the numeric box.
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