The REALITi CPR Module provides real-time CPR feedback.
The CPR Module kit comes with
- 2 CPR Modules
- 2 Wristbands which allow the modules to be worn on the wrist.
- A CPR Puck which allows a module to be used on a manikin.
- A CPR Clip which allows a module to be placed inside a manikin.
The CPR Module provides real-time CPR feedback and records
- Rate
- Depth
- Recoil
The CPR Module activates CPR feedback features on premium screens such as the Zoll X and Corpuls.
In conjunction with the Training Management System, a CPR report is generated for review.
Charging the CPR Module.
Connect a micro-USB cable to the CPR module to charge.
Connecting the CPR Module to REALITi
Turn on the CPR module by pressing the button on the side.
With the monitor screen running in REALITi, swipe in from the right side of the screen to open up the CPR connection menu.
Tap on 'Scan for CPR band'
If available, the CPR Band will be shown in 'Available CPR Bands'.
It will show the name of the CPR Band and the distance from the iPad.
Multiple CPR bands
REALITi allows multiple CPR bands to be connected at the same time. This is particularly useful when individuals would prefer to wear their own CPR Band using the wristband. REALITi detects which CPR band is being used at any one time for CPR.
To connect an individual CPR band, tap on the CPR Band you wish to connect and then tap on Connect.
To connect all CPR Bands available, tap on Connect All.
Once connected, the CPR band appears in the 'Connected CPR Bands' box.
The distance of the CPR band form the iPad and the battery level are also shown.
The CPR band is now ready for use.
On the Control iPad, the CPR control changes to Red and says 'CPR - Band Connected'.
Tap on the Monitor screen to continue.
Renaming a CPR Band
Select the CPR band to be renamed and then enter a new name in the 'New Name' box.
Then tap on Rename.
Using a CPR Module in a Manikin
If a CPR module is to be used in a manikin, it may need to be calibrated.
This is because different manikins may have more or less movement depending on their construction.
Place the CPR Module in the Clip and place inside the manikin.
Select 'CPR Module in Manikin'.
Single-Band Calibration
Tap on Single-Band Calibration
A new Menu appears called CPR Band Calibration.
When Start Calibration is pressed, start chest compressions on the manikin.
Ensure that you are compressing to the optimum 5-6cm on the manikin.
If the CPR module does not measure the optimum 5-6cm then a sensitivity multiplier may need to be used.
We recommend performing the calibration at least 3 times to get an average multiplier.
In the example below, as the CPR module was measuring less movement per compression, a multiplier of 1.85 was recommended.
Dual-Band Calibration
To use dual-band calibration:
- Connect 2 CPR bands
- Place one band in the CPR puck
- Place the other CPR band in the manikin
- Select the CPR band in the manikin and select CPR Module in Manikin
- Select Dual-Band Calibration.
- Place the CPR band in the puck on the manikin
- Start Calibration and start compressions
- The compression from both CPR modules will be shown and compared.
Using the CPR Module with a premium screen
Depending on a premium screen such as a Zoll X, multiple CPR feedback features may be activated.
In the example below the following features can be seen
- See-thru CPR
- Individual compression data
- Compression Depth
- Compression Rate
- Release
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