Scenario Information
Scenario information allows you to customise each scenario with many scenario and patient settings, plus you can compose a Patient Story.
You can customise the following
Scenario Settings
- Scenario Name
- Scenario Type (Display Vital Signs or Critical Care Controls on start-up)
- Scenario Time
- Scenario Monitor Type
- Default Pacer Threshold
Patient Settings
- Patient Name
- Patient Photo (from a library of 107 patient images)
- Patient Gender
- Patient Condition
- Date Admitted
Patient Story
When you tap in the Story tab, you can compose a patient story. Tap on the grey Patient boxes to enter the relevant information. This is shown in as {{patient_item}} in editing mode.
If you tap on Toggle Preview, the displayed text is shown.
The Clinical Story and History will always be shared via Chart.
Clinical Course and Discussion Points are only seen on the Control screen.
When the scenario is started, the scenario information view changes:
And on Chart, the following is seen:
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